Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly weigh in

After a stressful week with LOTS of stress easting I was expecting at least a pound gain! So imagine my surprise when I actually loss 0.6 pounds!! YAY ME!!!

Still no where near my goal weight but down about 12 pounds so far.

So this week my goals are:
*Track at least 5 days this week (I know I am gong to slack so might as well as be reasonable)
*Go for at least 2 walks (Since I quit going to the gym two weeks ago I need to start moving again!)
*Choose healthy study snacks (not Cheetos and m&ms)

I am hoping that I can not only stick to these goals but also study my ASS off!! Official countdown tot eh most important test so far is 7 days. Which means I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday to really study and then hopefully review the other nights after clinical days.

So study snack ideas...sugar snap peas, apples, bananas, carrots (with no dip)

OK back to the books!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sad News

Today my instructor asked me to find her when I was done with my med passes. Thinking that I was just going to be given a baby to give vaccinations too, I went and found her.

Well instead of poking some sweet little thing's thigh I was told that I may be done with nursing school forever. Since I failed out last Spring (even though I re-did the class and did better!!) and I am currently struggling this term I have to decide what to do. If I fail this term I can never go back to nursing school (at least an OCNE school) So I have two tests left this term. My next test is a week from this Friday, if I can pass it with an 87% or better I am going to attempt the final and if I get below that then I am going to drop the course with no grade and try again next year.

So that boils down to being able to miss 5 questions on the next test...grrr and ick

It also means that I have been eating a bunch of ice cream tonight. Or as the BF says oink oink

Off to bed so I can be on my game for the babies and mommies tomorrow. Oh and I regret the ice cream since tomorrow is weigh in day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The dinner that was only so-so

While in line at meeting I eyed the Now & Later cookbook by Weight Watchers. But their prices are so un-godly I went online and found it used for a fraction of the price. Well I made my first recipe from it last night and of course I picked one with a fun name and no picture.

Chicken Marengo! Sounded fancy but unfortunately after all was said and done it did not look that fancy.

Maybe if I was prepared with a big enough skillet it would have looked better. But I had to use a soup pot to finish the cooking.

Either way it turned out looking like purple chicken floating in a mess of mushrooms and olives. Not very appetizing. The flavor I thought was OK, nothing too special but not horrid. I forgot that the BF doesn't like green olives so he was not a fan at all!

So I served it with these carrots from Noble Pig and a batch of Cous-Cous. All in all it was very filling.

So in non food related news. I must say that I am so stressed right now that it almost feels like drowning!! Who would have thought nursing school would be so hard, right? No, I knew it would be hard, I did. I just didn't know how hard it would be for me. I can not believe how much I am struggling to pass the tests all the while trying to stay sane.

Well here's to a better week!

My goals for this week are:
A weight loss at my meeting on Wednesday!
Read all the reading for this week!
Finish knitting my scarf!
Finish my picture frame jewelry holder!
Pay the rest of my bills!

Oh gosh just thinking about makes my head start to hurt! So I am going to not think about the week and instead I am going to go read about the liver and maybe knit a few rows.

Have a great week and cross your fingers that mine won't suck!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The day I will get stuff done!

If I tell myself that enough then maybe I will actually get stuff done!!

Lets see I have a paper to write, ick and double ick!! I also need to do my reading for class because by gawd I will get an A on my next test if I have to sell my left arm to get it!

Actually I want to keep my arm because I would also like to finish knitting my scarf too!

Maybe I should say this is the weekend stuff will get done and not the day! That might be setting the bar a little high!

Oh and I am going to cook a nice chicken dinner!

Yawn, just thinking about all that makes me want to take a nap! Oh this is going to be a rough weekend.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thrifty Day

So it is either thrifty day or as I posted on Facebook...."thrusting with Steven!" Damn auto correct!!
My son and I went shopping and found some steals today!!

I found two sweaters. A red brand new with tags Sweater from American Eagle and a green sweater from Columbia for about $4 each.

And this adorable little man to put my flour in for about $5

I was super excited about the air pump as I had just bought it brand new at Wal-Mart for $25 and then went to Goodwill and found this one for $15. Now lets hope it works!!!

My biggest exciting thing is this giant picture frame!! It was half off so only cost me $6 and I am transforming it into an amazing jewelry holder. Got my inspiration from this blog post. Jewelry Display Frame

So far I have primed it...

Painted it....

And I can hardly wait to put the cup hooks in and get the BF to hang it on the wall for me!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This weeks weigh in!

So after a long hiatus of updating here....I am back.

Where was I?

Well nowhere interesting that is for sure!! Nope I was studying (not much good that did for me!) and tracking points (almost regularly, OK sometimes I slacked off) and spending time with my new family in our now shared house.

Oh and reading a TON of blogs. I get bored and I find a new blog! They inspire me to try new things! I have made so many dinners from blog recipes. And I am currently working on a craft from a blog. I am also inspired to mix up my own normal lack of style to having some sort of style!

So keep an eye out, once I find the thing I use to transfer my pictures I will post pics of my craft project!!

take care and blog you I am lame!!