Thursday, June 16, 2011

Followers times 2

I have two followers!! There are now two people out there who are interested in what I type!


I had better step it up a notch now!

Thanks for the follow Rudee I love your blog too by the way!

Feeling like a nurse

So without giving out any details, and even though I am not in the nursing program for another year, today i felt like a nurse.

I went into a house not 100% what to expect and was shocked at the living conditions that I saw. I then got on the phone with my work, their workers and various other state workers. I don't know if I made a difference, but I will be back there again to do some more work. Lets hope that tomorrow I can do more.

I really felt like I was advocating for my patient today.

I can do this and survive, it will be better. Not everyday at work will make me throw up and cry! January will be here soon!!!!!!!!

Cupcake Sin

So it was the BF's birthday and I wanted to make him something special. So after many hours of aimless internet boredom I stumbled across this recipe for Butterfinger Blizzard Cupcakes. Me personally if I go to the good ole DQ I am getting a M&M blizzard or a hot fudge and raspberry sundae. But the BF he likes the butterfinger blizzard. The cupcakes were for his birthday dinner and then he also requested a blueberry pie.

The cupcakes were to die for!! We went out for Mexican food as a large friend group and the cupcakes pushed us over the edge into food comas. It was a devil's food cake mix that was all tweaked out. Homemade carmel sauce that I turkey basted into the cupcakes as soon as I pulled them out of the oven. I then (witht he help of kiddo) whipped up a butterfinger butter cream frosting. Have I pushed you over the edge into a coma also?? Thought so!!

And just in case you weren't quite over the edge, here is a closeup!

Then his extra special birthday pie. This was a before shot, I never got one after it was baked...and now a mere day later it is almost gone, hmmmmm must have been good!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why the Halloween themed meal in June?

Not sure why the author of this book felt the need to theme her daily meals and really don't understand the Halloween themed names tonight. But the recipes turned out OK.

Poultrygeist = B
Spirited Beans = A
Lemonic Pudding = B

Everything is better with butter and bacon I must say!!

The Chicken recipe called for a raspberry vinegar and tarragon, neither of which i had on hand so I used balsamic and rosemary instead. Oh and I had some mushrooms in the fridge so I sauteed them up in the pan drippings.

The beans were sauteed in bacon drippings and then sprinkled with the crumbled bacon! Yum!!

The original menu called for mashed potatoes, but as nobody in my house is really crazy for mashed potatoes I switched that out for a green salad.

The lemonic pudding called for vanilla yogurt but I had an entire huge thing of Greek yogurt that needs to be used up, so the recipe got that instead. The pudding only got a B, because it just did not wow me. It could have used some lemon zest or just anything to give it a little bit more bite.

On a non dinner note. I met up with my knitting/nursey friends today, it has been sooooo long and it was really good to see them all again! They have finished school and will be taking the NCLEX and getting great nursing jobs soon! OK now I am going to go eat some ice cream and wallow in some self pity....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Scuttlebutt, camping, cold tail and tears...oh my

Whew what a weekend!

Three days of camping at the most beautiful location!

I love our annual friends camping trip! Look forward to it all year to be honest, it officially starts the summer for me!! There is nothing better then sitting around the campfire, drinking, roasting marshmallows and playing categories! This year we went to Crescent Lake instead of Fall Creek, and it was a huge improvement! We were right on the water and when we drove up the sun was setting and it was breathtaking!! Everyday was wonderful, fires, shooting guns, fishing (catching twigs!) and just hanging out! Another great trip with friends for the books!

So today's Accidental Gourmet's menu was:
Scuttlebutt Scallops Scored a B
Confidential Couscous Scored an A
Scandalous Salad Scored a C

While camping poor Max Dog hurt his tail! He LOVES to fetch the ball out of the water so we threw it in the lake for him as much as he wanted us too. Turns out that labs can get a condition called Cold Tail. poor baby spent the last day and the ride home in pain and just miserable looking. Good news is I took him to the vet this morning and they gave me some anti-inflammatory drugs for him and then cleaned out his bony poo. I was so glad at that moment that I never followed through on my childhood dream of becoming a vet. So Max had a dx of Cold tail and bony poo. No more steak bones as a treat, he can only have veggies as treats from now on. He is already feeling better! No tail wagging yet, but that should improve in a few days!

And the I should have taken my last final of nursing school. I should be getting ready to go out to celebrate right this very moment. And while I am over the moon happy for all of my friends, I feel sick to my stomach that I screwed up so badly. I know that hopefully this time next year I will be doing all the things I should have done today. But it still hurts so bad. I can feel the tears in the back of my eyes. They graduate and get pinned this Sunday, and I am going to go but unfortunately I can only stay for part of it as I have to work that night also. That is probably for the best as I know I won't be able to make it through it without tears!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I have a follower!

Love you Carol, and no judging my total lack of writing skills and horrid pictures that I take!!